My Made From Scratch Life

Food for a crowd, all made from scratch daily.

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Welcome Home!

By 9:15 PM

Welcome home! I'm so glad you're here.

Can I get you some tea or hot chocolate? Sit down, have a cookie, and don't mind the mess.

I'm a bit old fashioned here, think Little House on the Prairie with a stand mixer(best Christmas present ever.) I cook from scratch(mostly) and I believe that food cooked with love tastes better than store bought every time. Feeding people is one of my love languages.

Let me introduce my family. I have a wonderful husband and beautiful 1 year old girl(StinkerBell). StinkerBell turned 1 all of 4 days ago, is walking, and has been walking since 9 months. She loves to help me cook, an awesome mommy baby time that happened way sooner than expected(and has nothing to do with teaching her the joy of licking the beaters, surely). My Hubby is awesome, works hard to provide for us, loves me and the StinkerBell, and loves my cooking. He also has a tendency to brag about his lunches to his coworkers. Which is weird and awesome.

Also living with us is a friend, C, and she is super fun and bubbly. She and her boyfriend also get packed lunches(best carpool arraignment ever), and they also brag to the coworkers(same coworkers as the hubby). Which leads to the awkwardness of having a celebrity status with an entire group of people I have never met.

Now that you know what I'm doing here, get ready for food. And crafts, and sewing, and nature, and cousins, and family, and nontraditional traditions, and maybe a little sarcasm.

Can I get you some more tea?

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